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Risk, Responsibility and Liability Waiver

COSTS AND PAYMENTS: I understand that I am responsible for all fees associated with the Co-op Program.
CONTACT INFORMATION: You must complete all the required forms provided below before beginning your Co-op work term.

  • REPORTING OBLIGATIONS: I agree to report to The Co-operative Education team any serious physical, safety, personnel or other problems that I may encounter during my work term. I understand that the University is not responsible and I agree to hold the University harmless for any claims, disputes, losses, damages, injuries, adverse events, or outcomes arising out of my Co-op work term, including - but not limited to - such claims, disputes, losses, damages, injuries, adverse events, and outcomes caused by my employer's actions, inactions, or negligence, even if the University has been advised of the possibility of such.
  • HEALTH AND SAFETY; INSURANCE: Carleton reserves the right to make such decisions and take such actions that it believes are necessary to maintain my health and safety, and I shall not hold Carleton responsible for such decisions or actions.
It is a mandatory requirement that all students seeking authorization to participate in any mobility experience must possess both in and out of country medical insurance. Students are expected to become familiar and understand their insurance plan, including coverage, scope, duration, pre-existing health conditions, COVID application and the overall administration.
Students are expected to purchase travel insurance to mitigate the risks of potential travel disruptions, including repatriation if necessary. Carleton University is unable to provide repatriation costs. Students are also responsible to understand the claims process established by the medical and travel insurance provider(s) and any operational changes in the process for COVID related claims
  • RULES, STANDARDS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENT CONDUCT: I will, at all times, act responsibly and comply with the policies, rules, standards, and instructions for student conduct outlined in the Co-op Participation Agreement. The Co-operative Education Office will enforce appropriate standards of conduct and may terminate my participation in the Co-op Program for failure to maintain these standards or for any actions or conduct which Carleton considers incompatible with the interest, harmony, comfort or welfare of participants. Unacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized absence from the workplace, harassment, assault, vandalism, public disturbance, gambling, solicitation, and any illegal activity. I understand and agree to be bound by the rules and policies of Carleton University, the Co-op Participation Agreement, as well as those of my employer. Furthermore, I understand that it is my responsibility to represent Carleton University and the Co-operative Education Program in a professional and courteous manner. I agree to work with my employer to fulfill all job requirements to the best of my ability throughout the duration of my work term.
  • REMOVAL FROM WORK TERM: If I am terminated, Carleton shall have the right to require me to leave the work term and/or Co-op Program without refunding the associated fees.
  • EMERGENCY CONTACTS: I agree that Carleton may provide information about my participation in a Co-op work term to the parent or guardian whom I have designated as my emergency contact. I further agree that such staff may discuss my academic and disciplinary records for the purpose of ensuring my continued health, safety, and student status, as it pertains to my participation in the Co-op Program.
  • DISCLAIMER CLAUSE: Carleton University, their agents, officials, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, contractors, servants or representatives (hereinafter refer to as "The Releasees") are not responsible for any death, injury, loss or damage of any kind suffered by any person while participating in the Co-operative Education Program and all related activities of the Co-operative Education Program, even if caused by the negligence of THE RELEASEES.

    This Waiver shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada, as applicable. The courts of Ontario shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims, disputes and actions arising out of and related to this course/activity and this Waiver and the parties hereby attorn to the jurisdiction of Ontario courts.
  • THE CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF RISKS: In consideration of my participation in the Co-operative Education Program and all related activities, I acknowledge that I am aware of the possible RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS associated with this Program, including THE POSSIBLE RISK OF SEVERE OR FATAL INJURY TO MYSELF OR OTHERS. These risks include, but are not limited to:
    • Risks associated with travel to and from all venues of the various components including transport by public or private motor vehicle which could include - but are not limited to - an accident resulting in severe physical injuries or death;
    • Muscular injuries and soft tissue injuries including back injuries, broken bones, bruises, scrapes, cuts, sprains, dislocation, head, facial eye and/or dental injuries which might result from participation in the Co-operative Education Program.
    • Injuries resulting from falling or being knocked down or steep steps where a fall may cause injury or death all while working remotely from my residence
    • Injuries resulting from the malfunctioning of equipment or misuse of equipment whether owned, designed or operated by myself or the staff of THE RELEASEES;
    • Changes in weather or temperatures which may result in hypothermia, frostbite, windburn, sunburn, colds or flu;
    • Death, injuries or illness resulting from failure to follow directions from those in charge of the Program and all related activities;
    • The risks associated with returning to my residence after participating in the Program and/or related activities; and
    • Any and all other risks associated with my participation in the Co-operative Education Program
  • ASSUMPTION OF RISK: In return for allowing me to voluntarily participate in the Co-operative Education Program and all related activities, I agree:

1. TO ASSUME AND ACCEPT ALL RISKS arising out of, associated with or related to my participation in the Co-operative Education Program and all related activities.
2. TO BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE which I might sustain while participating in the Co-operative Education Program and all related activities.

  • The Government of Ontario declared a province-wide state of emergency under The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act on March 17, 2020 to protect the health and safety of all Ontarians and to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus (or COVID-19). COVID-19 is easily spread by contact with droplets produced by people who have the virus. Carleton University has put in place measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, the University cannot guarantee that any individual attending the University Campus, using the University's facilities, or participating in activities organized by the University, whether on-campus or off-campus (collectively, the University Activities) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending the University Campus and/or participating in the University Activities, could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.
  • The University is attempting to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by taking reasonable efforts to follow the health and safety guidelines recommended by the provincial and federal health authorities. Nevertheless, I understand that there remains a risk that I could contract COVID-19 by attending the University Campus, Using University Facilities or Participating in University Activities such as anything in person related to the Co-operative Education Program. I therefore acknowledge and agree to the following:
    • I acknowledge that COVID-19 is easily spread by contact with droplets produced by people who have the virus and I voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 while Using University Facilities or Participating in University Activities and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death to me or members of my household(s).
    • I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure I learn and follow all health, safety and other rules established by the University. I understand that any behaviour on my part that places others at risk could result in immediate termination of my right to Use University Facilities or Participate in University Activities.

Please go back to the previous tab and acknowledge that you have read, accept, and understand all the statements for risk, responsibility and liability.